Erasmus+ Day | Austria

In one way or another the whole school participated in our first Erasmus+ day, which took place on Thursday, 14th October. All the students did a both interesting and funny Kahoot challenge. The questions covered 4 different aspects of the Erasmus+ program, namely

Erasmus in general
Our project at school
Partner countries & schools
Food specialties

By including these four areas, knowledge about our project´s activities has spread and all the students at our school are up-to-date with regard to the latest activities.

For the students who take part in the program, an entertaining Treasure Hunt was created by the teachers. Students had to find places, faced with hints like

I know this is fun and you think it’s neat. Look in a place where you sit to…? 
The next place you’ll need to look, is the place where you can find a…? 

Having found the right location, they were faced with a riddle to solve. In a nutshell: It was an informative, hilarious and thrilling game, as the students had to rush to finish the tasks. Naturally, all the students were rewarded with the colorful & handy Erasmus+ bags. The saying: Too many cooks spoil the broth does definitely not hold true for our final day activity. Many hands were needed to create a healthy, regional and yummy midday meal. As a starter, the whole project team had pumpkin cream soup with croutons and a dash of genuine pumpkin seed oil, which is typical of our region. The main dishes consisted of original Spanish Paella and French Quiche. The icing of the cake were chocolate cookies, which were „devoured“ by the students.
At the end of lunch the question arose: Was the food to the students´ liking? Well, nothing was left over but some crumbs.

With full bellies both students and teachers happily went for the final picture in the great outdoors.
All in all it was a great event and things really ran smoothly thanks to the numerous helping hands.

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